What’s So Special About River Crusing?

What’s So Special About River Cruising? What’s so special about River Cruising, you ask?  Well, I’ll tell you.  It’s romantic, quaint and personable.  You feel like you’re getting special attention.  That’s because the staff gets to...

The Ease of a Listening Ear

The Ease of a Listening Ear Have you noticed how you think you’re listening to your spouse and moments later you realize you weren’t listening at all? What is it, your favorite TV program is on, a book you’re reading is too good to put down, or just not paying...

Still Laughing?

Some say that’s the secret to a happy marriage. Essayist and biographer Agnes Repplier, who was known for her common sense and good judgment said, “We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.” Is it good medicine? Sometimes to think back on...

Why Every Couple Needs to Get a Way

Imagine the two of you just as the sun begins to set, the only ones left on the beach because the tropical breezes have picked up and it’s growing dark. You cuddle together to stay warm on your oversized lounge chair, watching the moon rise as it casts a long streak...
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