
Still Laughing?

Mice LaughingSome say that’s the secret to a happy marriage. Essayist and biographer Agnes Repplier, who was known for her common sense and good judgment said, “We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.”

Is it good medicine? Sometimes to think back on things that really gave you a gut wrenching laugh is the key. You know, when the tears come because it was so funny. You may have laughed so much that it became contagious with your spouse. And as days passed it hit you again and you start laughing all over. That’s the laughter that brings a marriage closer together.Couple Laughing

Are we too serious about things? Lighten up. Look for the “funny” around you. It could be right at your feet and you hadn’t noticed. You know the saying “laughter makes the heart grow fonder.”

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