
Under Submission or Over Submission

Is there really such a thing as “submission” or are we told that we should do what others say?  I think to submit was one of the factors that got in the way of my marriage.  I don’t believe it was necessarily by intent.  Possibly just not knowing.  Being married and living with someone can put you in a position of doing what you feel is natural or okay without real consideration for the other person.  As day in and day out comes and goes we start to get comfortable in what we do and what we think we know.  And before you know it there’s the attitude of “I can do it, I don’t need you to tell me what or how to do it”.  After all, I’m an adult, I don’t have to answer to anyone.  Kind of like a toddler growing up and then telling mommy and daddy, “I can do it”.  It’s amazing how we revert on things subconsciously.   I believe that was the Over Submission way before the coming of being Under Submission.

Hawaii-4As husband and wife, the word tells us “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savor of the body.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” Ephesians 5:22-33 (KJV)

Now I must say it took awhile to get understanding of submitting to my husband.  I had to let go of the idea that I was to do everything he said.   I don’t believe that was Gods intent, but I did come into submission with understanding that he is to be the head-of me.  And it is for me to know he has my best interest at heart.  Once I got that, life got a little easier.  To give you an example.  We were in a church for thirteen years, had prominent positions, involved in several auxiliaries, in church three to four times a week and doing okay.  Then one day he said, “it’s time to go.”  Something in his spirit was unsettling.  I can’t tell you how many times I questioned that.  But I did realize where my husband was worshipping I was to be there with him.  Because when you receive that you are one (in the Lord), you can’t have division in any way.  Especially when it comes to the order of the church.  I found myself Under Submission.  I trust and believe God for him and took the position that if we find later it was not the right thing to do, I would not throw knifes and daggers.  I would stick by him no matter what and we would correct the situation as one. 

Marriage is a complicated and beautiful entity that has been established as a covenant with God.  If I am to have a personal relationship with Him, I must not only submit to God but submit to my husband because God told me to.  But in all Gods wisdom, grace and mercy, I have found joy, happiness and peace in my relationship with my husband.

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